Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Andorran Escudella

So last week I made something that was at least marginally healthy. This week, that kind of went out the window. I think this has at least some of pretty much every meat and starch you could think of...and little to no actual vegetables. So, it was pretty great altogether and I managed to finish a bowl of it without my heart exploding...so I suppose that's good too.

The original recipe was even more absurdly unhealthy (here)...so I made a couple of little changes...mostly because I didn't have access to all the ingredients. I also substitute pasta that looks like like space helmets...because...well...they seemed neat.

2 cups dry white beans
1 bone (I used turkey--you could really use whatever though)
1 other bone with marrow (I used lamb marrow/bones)
3 chicken thighs
14 ounces raw pork sausage, rolled into balls
2 cups of chopped brussel sprouts
1 large white potato, cut into large chunks
1/4 cup uncooked brown rice
1 cup pasta shells 
1 cup canned garbanzo beans

Some instructions:

1. Put white beans, bones, chicken thighs, and pork sausage balls in a dutch oven or large pot. Cover with water.

2. Bring to a boil and simmer for two hours.

3. Remove bones/anything that you might choke on.

4. Add remaining ingredients and cook for another 30 minutes.

All in all this was absurdly tasty. Hooray Andorra. Next up is Angola...and Muamba De Galinha. FUN!

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